Table of Contents 5/2017

Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Studies

Vol. 5, 2017

About the 5th volume of the journal PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE. Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Studies​ 

I. Book chapter Moralbewußtsein und kommunikatives Handeln Jürgena Habermasa

Filozofia jako instancja rezerwująca niektóre miejsca dla nauk i interpretująca kulturę w jej całości 

II. Studies and Dissertations


edited by Ewa Nowak​

Ewa NowakOrganism, Body, Identity, Technique 

Ewa Nowak, Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo – Organism and Freedom. Philosophy of Life And Ethics of Life Sciences 

Małgorzata Leśniewska, Piotr Leśniewski“Non-Normal Body.” On the Role of Anomaly in the Development of Biological Sciences 

Ewa Nowak“Bodily Constitution” in Subjective and Intersubjective Experience: Approaching the Phenomenon of Allotransplantation 

Filip BardzińskiOn Maine de Biran’s and Michel Henry’s Holistic Model of Human Nature 

Paweł CiniewskiTranshumanism’s Ambivalent View Towards Corporeity 

Jonasz PawlaczykWhat Future for Corporeality? 


edited by Mariola Kuszyk-Bytniewska

Mariola Kuszyk-BytniewskaPhilosophy of Social Sciences – Theory and Practice. Trouble Is Our Specialty

Tomasz BurdzikPredatory Journals as an Example of Unethical Publishing 

Mateusz SzymczychaBeyond Text—on Christoph Wulf’s Historical-Cultural Anthropology 

Paweł BytniewskiThe Past and Future of Cultural Anthropology 

Paweł UrbańskiJean Jacques Rousseau: Enlightenment and Writing by Himself 

Mariola Kuszyk-BytniewskaObjectivity and Objectification in Social Sciences 

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Małgorzata CzarnockaOn the Criticism of Science 

Ignacy S. FiutKnowledge in Terms of Evolutionary Realism of Boleslaw Józef Gawecki 

Marcin UrbaniakKnowledge from the Perspective of Memetic Determinism 

Marcin UrbaniakWhy Animals Know Anything? An Outline of the Sociobiological Idea of Knowledge 

Mariusz MazurekTwo Types of Models in Science and Problem of Scientific Discovery and Issues of Representation 

Andrzej WilkAbsolutism and Ontology 

Józef L. KrakowiakAndrzej Grzegorczyk’s Endocentric Relations with Himself as Connections with Values, Culture and Life in General 

Paweł ZagożdżonThe Relation Between Two Paradigms – The Religious Psychiatrist 

Magdalena ŁataThe Painting Melancholy by Jacek Malczewski in the Context of the Theory of Cognitive Linguistics