Category Archives: Tables of Contents and Articles

Spis treści 12/2024

Studia filozoficzne i interdyscyplinarne

Tom 12, 2024



Guest-edited by Włodzimierz Ługowski, Adrianna Grabizna and Alicja Kubica

Włodzimierz Ługowski, Adrianna GrabiznaThe Philosophy of Living Nature. Introductory Essay 

Alexander P. RudenkoOn the Theory of Prebiotic Evolution

Philosophical Fundaments of the Theory of Evolution

Marceli NenckiOn the Biological Relation of Leaf Dye to Blood Dye

Czesław NowińskiSelf-organization and the Theory of Evolution

Table of Contents 11/2023

Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Studies
Vol. 11, 2023


Od Redakcji – O XI tomie czasopisma FILOZOFIA I NAUKA. Studia filozoficzne i interdyscyplinarne 


Piotr (Peter) BołtućPhilosophy as a Theory over Theories


Table of Contents 10/2022

Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Studies

Vol. 10, 2022



Od Redakcji – O X tomie czasopisma FILOZOFIA I NAUKA. Studia filozoficzne i interdyscyplinarne 


I. Stanisław Lem’s Philosophical Ideas, Conceptions, and Inspirations 

Andrzej Łukasik — Stanisław Lem’s Philosophical Ideas, Conceptions, and Inspirations. Introduction

Sébastien Doubinsky — Unspeakable Otherness—an Essay on the Failure of Cognitive and Epistemic Communication Tools in Stanislaw Lem’s Solaris

Bernd Graefrath — Lem’s Philosophy of Chance in His Fiction and Non-Fiction 

Peter Swirski — The Cassandra Syndrome, or How Not to Be a Prophet 

Paweł Polak, Roman KrzanowskiStanisław Lem’s Visions of a Technological Future: Toward Philosophy in Technology

Jan Pleszczyński — Naturalny i technologiczny racjomorfizm w komunikacji (w kontekście niektórych idei Konrada Lorenza i Stanisława Lema) 

This paper is accessible here:

Originally published in Polish, it was translated into English after the publication of issue 10, 2022 of the journal.

Filip Kobiela — Betryzacja i etykosfera – dwie literackie konkretyzacje lemowskiej idei technologii etyki 

This paper is accessible here:

Originally published in Polish, it was translated into English after the publication of issue 10, 2022 of the journal.

Łukasz Kucharczyk — The Body and the Universe: On Corporeality in Stanisław Lem’s Return from the Stars 

Barbara Dzida, Tomir Jędrejek, Andrzej Łukasik — What Did Lem Think Over? 


II. Studia i rozprawy 

Andrew Targowski – Digital Education Strategies 

Emanuele Lacca — Sunt intelligibilia entia quae sunt vera. A Late Medieval Interpretation of Intentionality 

Anna Gańko — Umysł ucieleśniony. Problem istnienia przestrzeni w nowej teorii widzenia George’a Berkeleya 

Giulia Cirillo — A Circle or a Spiral? The Primeval, Tropological Scheme Identified in the Structure of Truth Theories 

Zuzanna Sima – Badania językowego obrazu świata a hermeneutyka Hansa Georga Gadamera 


III. Polscy myśliciele o nauce 

Józef Leszek Krakowiak — Rola wiedzy naukowej w poetyckiej kreacji świata życia Wisławy Szymborskiej. Część I 

Józef Leszek Krakowiak — Rola wiedzy naukowej w poetyckiej kreacji świata życia Wisławy Szymborskiej. Część II 


IV. Polemiki, dyskusje, recenzje 

Marcin Gileta – Kryteria estetyczne w nauce w ujęciu Grzegorza Białkowskiego 

Jakub Kopyciński — O postulacie kwantowej zasady względności 

Andrzej Gecow — Uwagi o tomie prac zebranych Krzysztofa Chodasewicza Zagadka życia 

Marek Błaszczyk — Wprowadzenie do filozofii Karla Jaspersa 


Table of Contents 10/zs/2022

Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Studies
Vol. 10, Special Supplement, 2022



Guest-editor: Piotr Bołtuć




I. Philosophy Shaped by AI or AGI 

Mark Burgin, Rao Mikkilineni Seven Layers of Computation: Methodological Analysis and Mathematical Modeling 

Piotr (Peter) Bołtuć — Non-ReductivePhysicalism for AGI

Kyrtin Atreides — Philosophy 2.0: Applying Collective Intelligence Systems and Iterative Degrees of Scientific Validation

Jeffrey White — On a Possible Basis for Metaphysical Self-development in Natural and Artificial Systems 

Eduardo Camargo, Ricardo Gudwin — From Signals to Knowledge and from Knowledge to Action: Peircean Semiotics and the Grounding of Cognition 


II. Virtual Space 

Mariusz Mazurek — The Problem of Existence of Virtual Objects from the Philosophical Perspective

Bogdan Popoveniuc — Personal and Moral Identity in the 4th Space 

Christoph M. Abels, Daniel Hardegger — Privacy and Transparency in the 4th Space: Implications for Conspiracy Theories 

Dustin Gray Modern Forms of Surveillance and Control 


III. Epistemology and Computers 

Magnus Johnsson — Perception, Imagery, Memory and Consciousness 

Rafał Maciąg — Towards the Pragmatic Concept of Knowledges 

Pavel N. Baryshnikov — Extension of Critical Programs of the Computational Theory of Mind 

Robin K. Hill — A Caution against the Artificialistic Fallacy 

Simon X. Duan — Platonic Computer— the Universal Machine That Bridges the “Inverse Explanatory Gap” in the Philosophy of Mind 

Marcin Rabiza — Dual-Process Approach to the Problem of Artificial Intelligence Agency Perception 


Table of Contents 9/2021

Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Studies

Vol. 9, 2021


About the ninth volume of the journal PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE. Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Studies​ 

edited by Marek Hetmański

Marek Hetmański – Introduction to the Thematic Block “Knowledge in the Academy and Outside the Academy”

Janusz Grygieńć – Should We Fear Epistemic Dependence (and How Much)? 

Agnieszka Lekka-Kowalik – Academic Industrial Science and its Norms PRICE 

Rafał Paweł Wierzchosławski – Protestant Science, Elective Modernism and Expert Knowledge in the Context of the Functioning of Science Outside the Academy 

Marcelina Zuber – Scientists to the Challenges of Modernity: the “Communism” of the Scientists’ Ethos as an Ethical Norm or the Regulating Principle of Research Practice 

Andrzej Stawicki – Creation of Knowledge on the Border of Science and Practice in a Systemic Perspective. The Case of Polish Humanities and Social Sciences 

Katarzyna Krzemińska – The Social Creation of Demarcation Criteria Between Science and Pseudoscience 

Józef Dębowski – On Classical Truth, Post-Truth and the Principle of Sourceness 

Małgorzata Czarnocka – Natura post-prawd The Nature of Post-Truth

Tomasz Walczyk – The Issue of Extended Knowledge from the Perspective of Extended Epistemology and Telepistemology 

Marcin Trybulec – Towards the Epistemology of Cognitive Artifacts 

Maciej Wodziński, Marek Hetmański – Expert Knowledge and Expertise by Experience in the Domain of Autism 

Studies and Dissertations

Jerzy Gołosz – The Pythagoreans, or an Apologia for Metaphysics 

Marek Maciejczak – The Context of Habitatuality in the Husserlian Theory of Consciousness 

Krzysztof Sołoducha – Some Remarks on Naturalistic Attemps to Rationalise Hermeneutics 

Damian Winczewski – Dialectical Materialism after „Diamant”: Scientific Dialectical Ontology and Natural Materialism 

Alina Bernadetta Jagiełłowicz – Engaged Philosophy of Health Protection 

Polish Thinkers about Science

Mariusz Mazurek – Czesław Białobrzeski — Physicist and Philosopher 

Polemics and Discussions

Marek Błaszczyk – Towards the Problem of the Sense of Human Existence 

Sebastian Kozera – Superintelligent Beings as a Source of an Existential Threat According to Nick Bostrom 

Table of Contents 8/2020 part 2

Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Studies

Vol. 8, part 2, 2020



Editorial – 

About the second part of the eighth volume of the journal PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE. Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Studies​ 

Andrzej ŁukasikOn Physicists’ Attitudes Towards Philosophy 

Stanisław CzerniakMax Scheler’s Pluralistic Conception of Knowledge 

Pavlo SodomoraNaturalism and Conventionalism in Plato’s Dialogues and Nativistic Theories of Language 

Małgorzata CzarnockaEdmund Husserl’s Idea of Science and the Project of Phenomenology as a Science 

Paweł DziedziulSteven Pinker’s Meliorism 

Barbara TrybulecThe Subject or Agent? Understanding Subjectivity in the Cognitive Artefacts Era 

Magdalena Łata, Andrzej ŁukasikIs Truth Always Beautiful, That Is, How Aesthetic Values Can Become an Epistemological Obstacle 

Zdzisława PiątekAbout the Nature of Hunting – the Present, the Past, and the Future 

Marcin UrbaniakOn the Natural-Social Harmfulness of Hunting Practices 


edited by Mariola Kuszyk-Bytniewska

Mariola Kuszyk-Bytniewska Polish Thinkers about Science. Introduction 

Emanuele CocoThe Philosopher Ahead of His Time. Ludwik Fleck and the Complexity of Science (Communication and Notes)

Zbysław MuszyńskiLeon Koj’s Semiotic Condition for Mutual Understanding 

Józef Dębowski The Principle of Transparency of the Sign. Leon Koj’s Point of View 

Paweł BytniewskiAlina Motycka — Philosopher of Science 


Table of Contents 8/2020 part 1

Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Studies

Vol. 8, part 1, 2020

Monothematic book edited by Małgorzata Czarnocka and Mariusz Mazurek

Małgorzata Czarnocka, Mariusz Mazurek — Introduction: THE ERA OF COMPUTERIZATION
Jacek KoronackiArtificial Intelligence in the Disenchanted World
Witold MarciszewskiThe Computational and Pragmatic Approach to the Dynamics of Science 
Kazimierz TrzęsickiThe Idea of Artificial Intelligence 
Andrzej Targowski, Henryk KrawczykInoformatics as a Field of Knowledge Supporting Human Endeavors 
Mariusz MazurekOn Virtual Objects 
Andrzej KiepasThe Human Being in the World of Digitalizing Processes – Present Challenges and Future Effects 
Beata Witkowska-MaksimczukDigital Communism 
Jacek GurczyńskiOn Values in the Digital Environment. Cypher’s Choice 
Paweł PolakComputational Modelling in Philosophy – Some Methodological Remarks 
Paweł StacewiczOn the Importance of Computer Science Concepts for Philosophy on the Example of the Distinction Between Digitality and Analogicity 
Sławomir LeciejewskiThe Big Data Problem in Experimental Sciences 



Table of Contents 7/2019 part 2

Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Studies

Vol. 7, part 2, 2019

Editorial – ABOUT PART 2 OF VOLUME 7 JOURNALS PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE. Philosophical and interdisciplinary studies 


edited by Włodzimierz Ługowski

Włodzimierz ŁugowskiPhilosophical Problems of Biological Sciences on the Ninetieth Anniversary of the Birth of Professor Leszek Kuźnicki. Introduction
Leszek KuźnickiWhether and How to Define Life?
Krzysztof ChodasewiczLife, Living Individuals and Organisms 
Adrianna Grabizna„Like Mother, Like Daughter — Evo-Devo and the Concept of Extended Inheritance in the Context of Psychology and of the Transgenerational Transmission of Attachment Style and Mentalizing Capacity” 
Ewa Joanna GodzińskaEthology and what Next? Some Philosophical Questions Influencing the Research on Animal Behaviour 
Józef Andrzej StuchlińskiOn Formal Models of Factors and Mechanisms of Organic Evolution 
Andrzej GecowA Current Return to Lamarck in Agreement with Darwin 
Krzysztof ChodasewiczLife and Mind. Two Sides of the Same? 
Aleksander A. ZiemnyIssues with Gene Concept 
Iwona OlejniczakIntentional Apes Behavior 
Leszek ŻukThe Directness in Processes of Evolution 
Dariusz A. SzkutnikSearching for Dynamical Organic Developmental Processes. Methodological Remarks 
Alicja KubicaTytan versus Enceladus — on the Multitude of Theories of Biogenesis and on the Philosophical Awareness of Scientists 
Włodzimierz ŁugowskiLife as a Natural Property of Matter 


Studies and Dissertations
Stanisław CzerniakRichard Münch’s Theory of Academic Capitalism. An Attempt of Reconstruction and a Philosophical Commentary 
Małgorzata CzarnockaIdea of Science and the Project of Phenomenology as Exact Science—Edmund Husserl 
Tomáš ČanalKnowledge of Language and a Radical Scepticism
Jadwiga Skrzypek-FaluszczakSources of Philosophical Reflection. Irrationality of Rationality as a Substrate
Marzenna CyzmanSurprising Peregrinations And Relationships Of Concepts. On The Thought Collective Of Ludwik Fleck And The Interpretive Community Of Stanley Fish 

Table of Contents 7/2019 part 1

Studia filozoficzne i interdyscyplinarne
Tom 7, część 1, 2019


Edited by Piotr Konderak

Piotr KonderakIntroduction: Perspectives on the Study of Meaning-Making 

I. Semiotic Perspective
Göran SonessonSemiosis in History. The Emergence of Alter-Culture
Shekoufeh Mohammadi ShirmahalehPeircean Metaphor Reexamined: Creation, Function and Interpretation
Donna WestSemiotic Determinants in Episode-Building: Beyond Autonoetic Consciousness 

II. Linguistic Perspective
Jens Allwood, Elisabeth AhlsénDimensions of Context. Classifying Approaches to the Context of Communication
Paul A. Wilson, Barbara Lewandowska-TomaszczykCognitive Structure and Conceptual Clusters of Emotion Terms
Elżbieta Magdalena WąsikExposing the Dialogical Nature of the Linguistic Self in Interpersonal and Intersubjective Relationships for the Purposes of Language-and-consciousness-related Communication Studies 

III. Metatheoretical Perspective
Zdzisław Wąsik Epistemology as a Semiotic Cartography of Human Knowledge and Cognition 

Table of Contents 6/2018

Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Studies

Vol. 6, 2018

EditorialAbout the sixth volume of the journal PHILOSOPHY AND SCIENCE. Philosophical and Interdisciplinary Studies​

I. Studies and Dissertations
Ignacy S. FiutIs the “Fourth World” Possible in Karl R. Popper’s Evolutionary Epistemology Model? 
Stanisław CzerniakJürgen Mittelstrass: the Humanities in the Context of the Unity of Science Conception 
Małgorzata CzarnockaHow is Science Universal? 
Marek SuwaraAnalogies Referring to Information Science and Biology in Explaining the Development of Science and Culture 
Jagna BrudzińskaPhenomenology as a Theory of Experience and some Challenges of the Today Humanities—New Perspectives in Human Studies 
Rafał MichalskiWas Arnold Gehlen a Naturalistic Reductionist? 
Marcin UrbaniakA View on Human Hermeneutic Capabilities from the Zoological Perspective 
Jarosław MrozekIs There a Change in the Criteria of Being a Science in Contemporary Physics? 
Adam Krawiec, Marek Szydłowski, Paweł TamborThe Ontological and Epistemological Specificity of Cosmology as a Science on the Universe 
Marek GurbaOn Nicholas Rescher’s Orientational Pluralism in Metaphilosophy 
Karolina OwczarekConsiderations on the Philosophy of Mind on the Basis of Stanisław Lem’s Dialogues


edited by Mariola Kuszyk-Bytniewska

Mariola Kuszyk-BytniewskaPolish Thinkers about Science
Andrzej Bronk, Monika WalczakStanisław Kamiński’s Methodological Options 
Józef DębowskiThe Dispute on the Scientific Status of Philosophy. On Zdzisław Cackowski’s Discussion with Phenemenology 

Anna MichalskaStefan Amsterdamski’s Conception of Ideal of Scientific Knowledge: Towards a New Conception of the Subject of Science 
Mariola Kuszyk-BytniewskaFlorian Znaniecki on Science. The Onto-Epistemological Perspective 
Grzegorz PyszczekThe Social Role of the Sage. On Florian Znaniecki’s Conception 

II. Polemics and Discussions
Marta BłaszczyńskaArnold Gehlen’s Man, Philosophical Anthropology and some Questions Asked by Contemporary Readers 
Grzegorz SmolińskiScience and its Critique: The Context of Actor-Network Theory